ADA Programming Guide
ADA Programming Guide.iso
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257 lines
-- --
-- --
-- A D A . N U M E R I C S . R A N D O M --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.3 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- The GNAT library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by --
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. The GNAT library is distributed in the hope that it will --
-- be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty --
-- Library General Public License for more details. You should have --
-- received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with --
-- the GNAT library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free --
-- Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
-- This implementation is derived from LSN 1055 written by Ken Dritz.
with Ada.Calendar;
package body Ada.Numerics.Random is
-- Form of the Image String --
-- The image string is of the form:
-- nnn,nnn,nnn .... nnn,b
-- There are Larger_Lag nnn components, where each component is a
-- decimal integer representing the values of the Lagged_Outputs in
-- the State_Vector, stored as rounded values * 2**24, in reverse order
-- (i.e. highest indexed value comes first), b is the borrow (0/1)
-- Image --
function Image (S : State) return String is
Result : String (1 .. Max_Image_Width);
Result_Length : Natural;
procedure Encode (Value : Float);
-- Add encoded float value to result string, using the float value
-- multiplied by 2**24 as a rounded decimal integer string.
procedure Encode (Value : Float) is
Img : constant String := Int'Image (Int (2#1.0#E24 * Value));
for J in 2 .. Img'Length loop
Result_Length := Result_Length + 1;
Result (Result_Length) := Img (J);
end loop;
end Encode;
-- Start processing for Image
Result_Length := 0;
for J in Lag_Range loop
Encode (S.Lagged_Outputs (S.R - J));
Result_Length := Result_Length + 1;
Result (Result_Length) := ',';
end loop;
Encode (S.Borrow);
return Result (1 .. Result_Length);
end Image;
-- Make_State --
function Make_State (Starter : Int := 3E+7) return State is
Bit_Value : Float;
LCG_State : Float;
Result : State;
function LCG_Random return Uniformly_Distributed;
-- Needs comments???
function LCG_Random return Uniformly_Distributed is
LCG_Multiplier : constant := 16_807.0;
LCG_Modulus : constant := 2_147_483_647.0;
T : Float;
J : Int;
T := LCG_State * LCG_Multiplier;
J := Int (T / LCG_Modulus);
LCG_State := T - Float (J) * LCG_Modulus;
if LCG_State < 0.0 then
LCG_State := LCG_State + LCG_Modulus;
end if;
return LCG_State / LCG_Modulus;
end LCG_Random;
-- Start of processing for Make_State
LCG_State := Float (Starter);
for J in Lag_Range loop
Result.Lagged_Outputs (J) := 0.0;
Bit_Value := 1.0;
for K in 1 .. 24 loop
Bit_Value := Bit_Value * 0.5;
if LCG_Random >= 0.5 then
Result.Lagged_Outputs (J) :=
Result.Lagged_Outputs (J) + Bit_Value;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
Result.Borrow := 0.0;
Result.R := Larger_Lag - 1;
Result.S := Smaller_Lag - 1;
return Result;
end Make_State;
-- Random --
procedure Random (S : in out State; U : out Uniformly_Distributed) is
U1 : Uniformly_Distributed'Base;
U1 := S.Lagged_Outputs (S.R) - S.Lagged_Outputs (S.S) - S.Borrow;
if U1 < 0.0 then
U1 := U1 + 1.0;
S.Borrow := 2#1.0#e-24;
S.Borrow := 0.0;
end if;
U := U1;
S.Lagged_Outputs (S.R) := U;
S.R := S.R - 1;
S.S := S.S - 1;
end Random;
-- Reset --
procedure Reset (S : out State; Initiator : in Integer) is
S := Make_State (Int (Initiator) mod 2_147_483_646 + 1);
end Reset;
procedure Reset (S : out State) is
use Ada.Calendar;
Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
Secs : Day_Duration;
Split (Clock, Year, Month, Day, Secs);
S := Make_State (((Int (Year) * 12 +
Int (Month)) * 32 +
Int (Day)) * 24 * 60 * 60 +
Int (Secs));
end Reset;
-- Value --
function Value (S : String) return State is
Result : State;
Ptr : Natural := S'First;
function Decode_Component (Max : in Nat) return Float;
-- Decode next component as a floating-point value, by reading an
-- integer up to a comma or the end of the string, and converting
-- it to float by dividing by 2**24. Ptr is the initial location for
-- the scan, and is advanced past the termninator. Max is the maximum
-- value of the component as an integer (2**24 - 1 for the lagged
-- components, and 1 for the borrow).
function Decode_Component (Max : in Nat) return Float is
End_Ptr : Natural;
Int_Val : Nat;
-- Not enough components if past end of string
if Ptr > S'Last then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
End_Ptr := Ptr;
while End_Ptr <= S'Last
and then S (End_Ptr) /= ','
End_Ptr := End_Ptr + 1;
end loop;
-- Make sure Length is in reasonable bounds (2**24 < 10**8)
if End_Ptr = Ptr or else End_Ptr > Ptr + 8 then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Int_Val := Nat'Value (S (Ptr .. End_Ptr - 1));
if Int_Val > Max then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Ptr := End_Ptr;
return Float (Int_Val) * 2#1.0#e-24;
end Decode_Component;
-- Start of processing for Value
for J in reverse Lag_Range loop
Result.Lagged_Outputs (J) := Decode_Component (2**24 - 1);
end loop;
Result.Borrow := Decode_Component (1);
-- Must be at end of string now!
if Ptr <= S'Last then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
Result.R := Larger_Lag - 1;
Result.S := Smaller_Lag - 1;
return Result;
end Value;
end Ada.Numerics.Random;